Thursday, October 14, 2010


En. DIGI jika tidak mahu cinta saya beralih arah sila ambil tindakan segera terhadap performance broadband tuan. Sejak kebelakangan ni network sangat slow terkial-kial nak load dan sangat menyakitkan hati. Sila bertindak segera sebelum cinta saya beralih arah kepada En. Celcom kekasih hati lama saya.

Tension tahap gaban dengan network yang teramatss slow semenjak dua menjak ni..nak masuk gmail pun selalu error..siapa nak tolong jawab. Kalau performance tak ok…hujung bulan ni aku terminate dan subscribe celcom pulak dah la monthly bayar sama banyak. Gunakan hak pengguna kita dengan bijak. Bila network slow aku tak boleh nak online..payah nak check email…susah nak update blog susah nak bukak kedai..En. DIGI business saya slow kerana network tuan. Harap maklum. Sebilang masa 0.00kbps apa kes ni En. DIGI membazirkan duit saya saja tau mcm ni. Nampaknya KPI tuan saya kena cantas markahnya..saya bagi NI (Need Improvement) untuk performance tuan. SIla ambil perhatian segera.

This lucky morning I was standby for our Division KPI calibration session. At 10.30am we were called in for the justification on the score more on score yang aku bagi kepada anak-anak buah ku lah.. Bila bukak aje bilik meeting tu aku terkujat badak. The round table with 20 chairs was fully occupied. Woah it was weird when you thought that KPI thingy should be confidential but why on earth these all people were around gelak gelak like berpesta bila tengok score orang lain. Kalau camtu dah takde rahsianyer lagi pasal dah semua orang tahu.

If that was the practice then better they display the score for everybody mcm masa kita kat uni dulu masa time nak check result course. I wish in the future this session will only be attended by BIG boss, GM, HR and the secretary. All HOUs and HOSs will only be called when the turn comes to discuss on the respective unit KPI. Barulah fair untuk semua orang. Ni at one glance aku leh nampak unit-unit lain punya KPI yang secara tak sengaja di shoot pada screen. Not my intention at all.

Btw as expected cantas memang tetap kena cantas tapi tak banyak lah. Cuma ranking tu kena turun jugak out of 6 anak buah aku 3 maintain at top rank, 2 kena turun pangkat, I tak berubah sebab mmg dah ada at level 2.. Out of 3 yang maintain kat top rank tu still diorang akan decide sorang dari situ kena turun pangkat jugak. Because this is based on %, top rank is 20% of the total number of staff? Terpulanglah kepada mereka yang berkuasa dan menggunakan kuasa. Diharap mereka berlaku adil kepada staff yang deserve mendapat score yang tinggi. I had tried my best to justify on my staff score as well as on my score the rest of it I leave it to ALLAH Yang Maha Adil lagi Maha Bijaksana. KPI doesn’t bother me much but if the result is good, it’s an extra bonus for me. Amin..

Now let’s think and let’s crack our head on the implementation of the double trouble project. For this project even it is not started yet I can foresee that my KPI for next year will be at rank 3 unless I manage to control, convince, sweet talk, aircond, kipas, you name it the method towards our uncontrollable users.


Anonymous said...

En. Celcom pun crap jugak kat area Taman Sutera seminggu dua ni

The Me said...

nape ko tak pakai streamyx je kalau kt umah?
but then, still depends pd need jugak kan?
kalau ko selalu travel, perhaps broadband is still the best