Thursday, August 05, 2010

I'm happy but....I need to plan :(

I've a mixed feeling rite now. Prosetia baru aje call saying that bank had released the payment for Rambai sutera house. I'm the happiest person on earth at this moment *wink* rasa mcm diawang-awangan third house is ready..alhamdulillah. everything settled within 3 hanky panky at all....PS said they will post my letter next monday and I've to collect the key within 14 days ...huarghh that's where the mix feeling come....coz they are not working on saturday.

This monday I'll be in Muar for my training....kalau lah training tu habis cepat kan bagus so I can straight to PS office in Melaka raya to collect my key...tapi rasa mcm tak sempat. I'm sure the training will last at least by 4 or by 5pm.

Need to plan for another balik kg trip. have to take leave for at least 2 days to settle for TNB and water connection. Then nak kena check rumah and lodge the complaint kalau ada...but I'm sure ada..coz last week kami singgah rumah...lalang dah naik dah kat pagar....nampak ada juga 2-3 family kat terrace house dah move in... Nak ambik cuti is another issue sebab kakak sekolah...must plan well this time..tak kan cik kak nak cuti sekolah 2 hari lagi coz this monday pun aku dah buat surat nak bg kat cikgu sebab deena nak cuti.

Time to think berapa banyak yang nak kena spend untuk rambai sutera. I was thinking not to install grill to my house but not sure how safe is that area. Plannya just nak installl security alarm mcm putrajaya punya style...Hmm worst come to worst ambik kunci dulu..then setllekan benda lain after raya le nampaknya..rasa mcm rushing sgt nak buat semua benda serentak dah le dalam bulan puasa....

what say you???


ezz said...

wah.. am happy for you
umah ni ko nk buat rental ke apa?
kalau nk buat rental n lum ada tenant, xyah la sume nk buat sekaligus tp kalau dh ada tenant tu, harus la siapkan sume, kan?
kalau nk buat umah hinggap ko, xyah la rushing apa2 wei..

Tukang Campak said...

wah..lapangnya umah, aku sokong xyah install grill hehe...bagus la ko rajin invest property. ni yg ke-3 ke 4 nih ?

Mak Su said...

boleh tu, slow slow, rancang teliti :)

aNIe said...

Cantik rumah tu...luas...takpe...slow2 buat...Insyaallah segalanya selesai

Kopi Suam said...

thanks ezzah..for this time being aku plan nak buat homestay merangkap our istana hinggap.

project will embark after raya :) then kurik kendi melaka kita tido istana hinggap aku okies....heheh ehhhehe

zie..ahah lom letak barang nampak investment sementara kudrat masih kuat untuk bekerja..harapnya time bersara nanti dah senang le tak yah pk pasal kerja boleh focus perkara lain pulak...

iye lah mak su slow-slow kayuh ni..

kak anie tak siap hari raya tak leh nak jemput akak datang umah saya..datang umah mak saya je lah yek...

rudy bluehikari said...

wah!!! senyap2 dah ada 3 bijik...waaa nak beli aprtment lah balik kl nanti buat invest jugak.

Chimney Cleaning Skokie said...

Loved readding this thank you