Masih terkujat lagi ni macam tak percaya dengan berita yang baru diterima pagi tadi. Kenapa tiba-tiba macam ni. Benci betul la sebab nak kena tukar ke projek lain. Aku malas nak olah detail aku berdoa sangat supaya depa tak jadi ambik aku masuk team lain..Huargghh aku suka kerja kat sini…team mate best kerja pun ok, boss pun ok. Tapi kecewa bila diorang buat keputusan tanpa merujuk kami. Mr k Suka buat decision sesuka hati tak rujuk PMO dan juga orang-orang yang terlibat. 5 orang semuanya dan sesuka hati aje diorang decide untuk kami kuo dari projek ni sampai hati. Berita pagi tadi benar-benar telah meragut mood aku.Tengah buat kerja pun terasa seperti dalam khayalan. Hilang semua mood dah lagilah merobek hati bila dah start terima email dari team baru yang aku akan diserapkan. Sibuk lah diorang ni apasl hantar email cepat sgt.
Aku pun terkejut apasal Mr K nak jumpa kitaorang ke? I kata mungkin nak suruh jadi usherer layan Datuk CEO petang ni. Hati aku pun rasa tak sedap aje ni. Bila dia kata we had agreed to nominate 5 of you to be absorb to other project (Actually 4 1/2 sorang lagi kena report to 2 boss buduhhh la dia ni). Aku hahh bio betul aku baru aje jadi TL kat sini baru aje abis TOTK 1 module dan dua modules lagi belum sempat buat. Baru aje habis meeting untuk outstation hujung bulan ni..apasal takde angin takde ribut kami yang terpaksa mengalah. I hate this. Rasa mcm nak sembur aje..actually dah sembur pun Mr K. Why out of many people here you choose us. I was very keen with my new task. I was very happy working here with my supportive teammate and my supportive Immediate Boss. I guess he really don’t know what we are doing here memang dai tak tahu pun dan memang tak ambik tahu langsung. I smses my boss he said InsyaALLAH he will do something. He went for training the whole week. I said if he could help I rather to stay here. Actually I want to stay in this project. Hopefully he can do something or maybe after getting the formal letter or proper instruction I will meet KM to discuss further about this matter. Gosh’s just like blink…then you got to go. So easy like ABC like I have nothing to do here.
I told Mr. K if he wishes me to join the new project it’s ok but I don’t want to be involved in the last project anymore. Sorry you think I can concentrate doing two tasks at one time. I have a lot of thing regarding training data, I just started the interim data and more data need to be cleansed. I don’t think so. The best part is after having the discussion with Mr. K I went back to my cubical and read my email. Ya ALLAH immediately I received many email regarding the new project, the structure. Come on lah I still don’t get the official letter, I want to appeal how could they do this so fast? Nama aku pun dah siap masuk kat dalam sructure baru…aduhhh kalau gila pangkat sure happy dengan new assignment sebab jawatan lebih besar tapi skop kerja masyaALLAH tak terjangkau tangan lagi ni. Lagipun nak kena report pada boss gerd E17. Gila 4 gred beza.
Aku hanya berdoa ya ALLAH kalau boleh aku takmo keluar lagi dari sini. Carrier path aku kat sini memang dah nampak…tapi kat projek tu…memang akan nampak jugak..mungkin boleh naik once project completed tapi kalau perform kalau tak perform sampai bila nak tunggu. . Lagipun kat sini aku dah seronok dah start belajar banyak benda tentang system. Iskhh nak kata aku takut terima cabaran hmm tak jugak Cuma bila aku go tru slides and document yang diorang email fehh my title is PM for IT , TPM for not a small designation and is actually carry a very big responsibility. Memang pun aku dah dapat semua task yang nak kena buat sampai projek complete bulan 6 tahun depan. Diorang ni memang betul2 nak aku berdikiari sangat ke? Kerja plak ngan orang luar terkonteng2 sendirian…huarggghhhhh…I also received the last minutes meeting stated that my report duty would be on the 23 Nov 2005. The first kick off will start on the 30th Nov. Gilllooooo fehh aku rase bersedia aje lah aku mulai hari ini…tak boleh sangat nak mengharap appeal aku tu,. Pertolongan imm boss aku atau pertolongan Mr F. I hope Mr F will discuss with consultant and PMO. Only them know how critical we are in this project. Aku solely incharge of training data and F solely incharge in Leave data,. Dua-dua dah nak kena kuo masuk projek lain…hmm kalau kena kuo jugak tentu tercabut kepala aku ni…lantak lah…malas nak fikir..tension jadinya. buuudduuuhhhhhhhhhhhh buat keputusan tu fiki laa dulu boleh takkkkkk mengongggggg
Aku pun terkejut apasal Mr K nak jumpa kitaorang ke? I kata mungkin nak suruh jadi usherer layan Datuk CEO petang ni. Hati aku pun rasa tak sedap aje ni. Bila dia kata we had agreed to nominate 5 of you to be absorb to other project (Actually 4 1/2 sorang lagi kena report to 2 boss buduhhh la dia ni). Aku hahh bio betul aku baru aje jadi TL kat sini baru aje abis TOTK 1 module dan dua modules lagi belum sempat buat. Baru aje habis meeting untuk outstation hujung bulan ni..apasal takde angin takde ribut kami yang terpaksa mengalah. I hate this. Rasa mcm nak sembur aje..actually dah sembur pun Mr K. Why out of many people here you choose us. I was very keen with my new task. I was very happy working here with my supportive teammate and my supportive Immediate Boss. I guess he really don’t know what we are doing here memang dai tak tahu pun dan memang tak ambik tahu langsung. I smses my boss he said InsyaALLAH he will do something. He went for training the whole week. I said if he could help I rather to stay here. Actually I want to stay in this project. Hopefully he can do something or maybe after getting the formal letter or proper instruction I will meet KM to discuss further about this matter. Gosh’s just like blink…then you got to go. So easy like ABC like I have nothing to do here.
I told Mr. K if he wishes me to join the new project it’s ok but I don’t want to be involved in the last project anymore. Sorry you think I can concentrate doing two tasks at one time. I have a lot of thing regarding training data, I just started the interim data and more data need to be cleansed. I don’t think so. The best part is after having the discussion with Mr. K I went back to my cubical and read my email. Ya ALLAH immediately I received many email regarding the new project, the structure. Come on lah I still don’t get the official letter, I want to appeal how could they do this so fast? Nama aku pun dah siap masuk kat dalam sructure baru…aduhhh kalau gila pangkat sure happy dengan new assignment sebab jawatan lebih besar tapi skop kerja masyaALLAH tak terjangkau tangan lagi ni. Lagipun nak kena report pada boss gerd E17. Gila 4 gred beza.
Aku hanya berdoa ya ALLAH kalau boleh aku takmo keluar lagi dari sini. Carrier path aku kat sini memang dah nampak…tapi kat projek tu…memang akan nampak jugak..mungkin boleh naik once project completed tapi kalau perform kalau tak perform sampai bila nak tunggu. . Lagipun kat sini aku dah seronok dah start belajar banyak benda tentang system. Iskhh nak kata aku takut terima cabaran hmm tak jugak Cuma bila aku go tru slides and document yang diorang email fehh my title is PM for IT , TPM for not a small designation and is actually carry a very big responsibility. Memang pun aku dah dapat semua task yang nak kena buat sampai projek complete bulan 6 tahun depan. Diorang ni memang betul2 nak aku berdikiari sangat ke? Kerja plak ngan orang luar terkonteng2 sendirian…huarggghhhhh…I also received the last minutes meeting stated that my report duty would be on the 23 Nov 2005. The first kick off will start on the 30th Nov. Gilllooooo fehh aku rase bersedia aje lah aku mulai hari ini…tak boleh sangat nak mengharap appeal aku tu,. Pertolongan imm boss aku atau pertolongan Mr F. I hope Mr F will discuss with consultant and PMO. Only them know how critical we are in this project. Aku solely incharge of training data and F solely incharge in Leave data,. Dua-dua dah nak kena kuo masuk projek lain…hmm kalau kena kuo jugak tentu tercabut kepala aku ni…lantak lah…malas nak fikir..tension jadinya. buuudduuuhhhhhhhhhhhh buat keputusan tu fiki laa dulu boleh takkkkkk mengongggggg
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