Thursday, December 06, 2007

Now I can see the light

Now I can see the light not because I was blind before but because I wore a sunglass :)
It was really tough. We had a discussion with GM this morning regarding the finding that my PM gathered during their discussion with G representative last week. If last 2 weeks I was instructed to prepare on the project governance and project methodology (we are very sure that the PM will reject the proposal) for them to present during the meeting and today it’s become another story. Project governance, steering committee and project methodology now can close the book.
Everything is turning the other way round. After 3 month struggling (I was liked bernafas dalam lumpur) to keep myself align with the central team, with their approach, with their agile methodology which is totally contra with our current practice, today I can see there is a light at the end of the tunnel just because now our mgmt are really understand the project requirement, the approach that has been used (ni yang buat kami pening kepala sebab kita nak buat camni tapi orang sana tak nak terima). Finally they defined our tasks in detail and very specific. For that alhamdulillah, I don’t have to report to the central team anymore. I just can concentrate on the deliverables that is required by my division instead of me doing something that is out from the path for my carrier development in project management. I just wish I can leave this project peacefully nampaknya ALLAH belum kabulkan lagi doa aku.

With this new instruction my KPI will be based on the deliverables required. There are 6 tasks that need to be completed in 4 months. It was tough because the relationship with the central team seem like not so friendly due to so many issues and also so many unsettle satisfaction and so on. I’ll take it in a positive manner that is why I was tebalkan muka jengukkan diri in the project office join the meeting even though my present was not needed. The feeling is like melukut ditepi gantang. Yet still I involved in activities and also doing whatever task given to me. I was tersepit dan menjadi mangsa keadaan. Yet I found that there’s a statement saying that we are not passion in doing our job. I don’t know how they measure my passion. I just wish after I complete my so call project master plan I may leave the project and start my new day at COIT. Semoga ALLAH makbulkan hajatku ini..

See betapa adilnya ALLAH terhadap hambanya2. I was in a good condition with hubby so much in love….loving2 jiwang-jiwang gitewww no cold war everything is ok but at the same time I was tested with this kind of ujian. Its balance my life sebab at one site you’re happy at the other side you’re in trouble if you mix these two condition it’s just a mild problem I can take it and it is actually won effect me much. Kalau nak fikir mcm aku fikirlah. So Al-quran itu benar dengan kata-katanya kerana ALLAH menguji orang2 yang Dia tahu mampu menanganinya.

Kat ummiku sayang sibuk diorang review tentang novel bertajuk Ayat2 cinta. I was so teruja tak sabar plak nak singgah mana2 MPH or kedai buku sebab tak sabar nak baca. Aku blog hop kejap tadi dok cari review cerita ni memang best laa.tunggu aku baca dulu nanti aku buat review kat sini.

Note: sorry to my satu lagi ex boss kat previous project yang merayu nak baca my blog…he sms me and sms my fren yang dah kuo dari projek tu nak mintak my blog link…heehh belum berani lagi nak bagi diorang tu semua enter my blog kalau secara tak sengaja tak pe laaa…kalau purposely nak suruh diorang baca memang tak de laaa…sebab they do know me personally…and most of my entry memang deep down inside punya entry lahir dari hati yang ikhlas….. heehh heehh nanti takut ada plak yang jatuh cinta dengan mak nayaaaa….heeh heehh melawak aje laaaa..

till then


cikdinz said...

banyaknya projek...

zino said...

walau apa pun semuga terus sukses..