Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Perhitungan yang salah sebab pergi TH dulu. Not to say salah coz still I need to withdraw duit dulu at TH..kat ATM ada hundred bucks only. I've not enough cash...need RM800 on the spot for the passport and the visa.

My no giliran was 1112 . No giliran yang dipanggil time tu was 1040

at 9.30 selautan manusia dah menunggu.

Finally I was stucked at the imigration office almost 4 hours just for renewing my passport. After all baru le mak sedar yang my KP is not my kad...aduh laaa...all this while memang ingat my KP is mykad. Kalau mykad senang I can easily renew my passport at the kiosk kippas. Berkurun menunggu sempat lunch at pizza..then sempat nak khatam "dalam mihrab cinta". Finally 2.30 selesai semua bayaran but passport tak sempat collect sebab kena tunggu any 2 hours....ho ho ho need to rush to the HQ sebab ada meeting.
I'm going to US.


Mak Su said...

sakit jiwa ek

Kopi Suam said...

lebih dari tu mak su...

ya2 said...

zira, ekau nk ke mana.holiday ke?jelesnya aku.huhu..

Kopi Suam said...

heeh hehh US..ulu sintok.heehh heeh rindu UUM le pulak

tokseh jeles le yaya nak ikut jom..houston Texas

y@tipruzz said...

waa jln jauh kak bestnyer!!

zino said...

piagam pelanggan dia kata 1 jam siap hehe macam mana tu? hehe

Kopi Suam said...

jalan jauh buek keroje mana nyer best....kalau jalan jauh honeymoon sodap la jugak...ni balik korejo nak kena buat report kuang...kuang..kuang

itulah zino...camno tu...tak larat menunggu lama bebeno...