Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Management memang lah happy when we managed to complete project yang complicated dalam masa 2 bulan. But for me on behalf of my programmers we are not happy at all. Masa aku presented the project milestones one of the comm member tanya project-project lain boleh tak buat macam ni deliver in 2 months...me big NO.

Tahu tak dah dua bulan my programmer balik tgh malam just to ensure everything is on track. Kalau nak buat project dua bulan memang takde life le budak-budak ni. Infact I can see how stress they are when dealing with this project. Balik umah still sambung kerja and email update memang sentiasa diterima tak kire pukul 12.oo malam sekali pun. My programmers tak nampak ceria seperti selalu and I've to admit that. It's not balance at all. Me as a boss hate to face this situation. I want them to work in healthy and less stress environment but this time me myself have to follow the flow as well and I'm stressed too selagi PM tak launch and system not tested yet. our number of user is over 5 mill. I just pray moga ALLAH permudahkan segalanya during the launching day.

This is a very high profile project, related to SAVE initiative by government. I do pray a lot that my programmers will be in a good health sampai system diguna pakai. Pray that system will work as plan. Pray that no hic cup at all during the usage (I wish).

Seem like time is not at our side. Last UAT banyak lagi perubahan here and there hmmm hopefully semuanya will be tested ok by this Friday. Since Sabah and Sarawak requested for urgent training again I pray system is ok on friday and we can fly to Sabah and Sarawak next week before the launching....

Please and please do pray the best for us..

1 comment:

missskar said...

kak zira, mai ni. miss u :) dah bertahun tahun tak masuk sini