Thursday, June 30, 2011

boss singa

Harini rasa macam nak makan orang. So be good to me ok. If you have task to finish kindly finish that no matter what. Boss truly not in a good mood now so please don't come to me with an excuses. I hate people come to me with many excuses. I don't want to hear that I just want to listen to the solution. I'm a bad boss *wink*

Does the pregnancy effect my mood? I think so.

Disebalik tabir berita gembira yang aku terima semalam walaupun belum confirm lagi but aku officially take that figure as the final one aku or kami makin tertekan dengan date line yang semakin hampir. Ya ALLAH permudahkan urusan kami. Esok UAT kita tgk camner.

Bila kita tgh pressure kita akan meluat bila ada pihak lain yang menambahkan lagi tekanan. If I can't deal with you I can deal with other peoplekan. So jangan rasa dia kita ni terlalu penting sgt coz in life ada banyak pilihan yang orang boleh buat.

Okies sudah melalut...

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