Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Update on kerja

To tell you the truth now aku rasa dah tak boleh lagi nak membelahkan diri yang satu ini. Suka atau tidak aku terpaksa berselang seli mengupdate blog. Bukan seperti selalu bukan seperti dahulu. Masa memang tersangat cemburukan aku tapi aku cemburukan korang yang sempat menulis walau sepatah dua dalam blog. Janji ada update ni apa kes sudah lama bersawang. Jam sekarang dah 12.22 malam selagi tak update selagi itulah tangan aku ni gatal semacam. To kaklong my email is azira75@yahoo.com. Atau kaklong can sms me at 019-3714425 nanti KS bagi email opis ok.

Today I was invited to attend one meeting. I’ve been assigned with a new task by the kerajaan langit, Phase 11 project to be involved with for G division. The project looks very interesting sebab melibatkan G. Lama dulu dah berangan kalau dapat buat projek dengan G sebab business proses diorang memang totally differ from T and D. G the one who has to generate the power for the nation. Banyak benda baru yang aku akan teroka. Our part is to look on the direct nego process, to propose IT best solution on software licensing. Other than that we have to come out with a maintenance solution. Last but not least to participate during the negotiation process. What do you think? Don’t you think it’s sound interesting? Seem like a lot of documentation involve during the process. One thing for sure I will meet my ex boss Tuan Haji the project manager. That’s the list yang aku dapat during our short meeting this afternoon. My first task for the project is to consolidate all the information related to this project then tomorrow we will discuss and come out with a proposal for software licensing solution before big boss kena mengadap ayah pin (CEO) on wednesday. Mcm bidan terjun aje aku rasa. Iye lah same case masa aku kena buat direct nego paper for Investment management yang tetiba aje nama aku glamer kat VP mereka.

My current project is still on going, Maka dipendekkan cerita aku terkejar-kejar lah jugak ke sana ke mari dah diberi tugas sebagai team lead kenalah ambik tahu semua benda. Like today this morning ada project presentation at PJ office. The areas that need to be covered by my team are Cheras, PJ and Subang Jaya. PJ and Subang Jaya ni nak kena concentrate lebih sikit sebab kawasan elit I’m sure during this roll out thousand of issues will be raised up by the users. Masa presentation pun dah disoal seribu satu mcm jenis soalan tu mgmt level aje tu. Belum present pada field crew and technician lagi. Monday next week plak kena presnt kat field crew yang ni nanti lebih hangat. Tunggu ajelah Isnin tu sebelum tu aku nak kena bedoa lebih-lebih sikit supaya hati2 mereka itu sejuk2 belaka.

Ya ALLAH semoga CIO meluluskan kertas memo untuk pembelian t-shirt technical day. Aku dah pening dah bila cerita pasal hari keluarga and technical day ni. Dah nak termuntah kalau boleh aku nak settle cepat then terus tempah then terus aje distribute. Rupanya laluan aku kali ni bukan mudah. Ada aje halangannya. Doa banyak2 ni supaya janganlah kena start semula from zero. Kalau tak ni kira third time aku buat benda yang sama.

Till Then


NBK466 said...

Emmm...bila sebenarnya nak langsung technical & family day nya tuh???

Kaklong Syikin said...


ks tq ya bagi email n hp no tu. insyaAllah, ada ruang masa saya contact.

Anonymous said...

hi salam perkenalan

sy budak baru belajar, keje ofis pn xbyk sgt. hehe.

Kopi Suam said...


kisah t-shirt den tu dah settle suma esok nak kena standby masuk mengadap menteri kerajaan langit :)

Kak long,
kalau ada apa-apa sms laa

syiokk lah tak banayk kerja..jenguk sini selalu