Friday, May 16, 2008

Raudah yang ku rindu

Raudah yang tiangnya (bermula tiang no 2 tu) ada kelopak emas macam bunga tajam2 tu. Kalau base from gambar ni kawasan perempuan dibelakang ada 2 tiang aje untuk wanita dan juga dua saf yang boleh muat beberapa orang dalam satu masa. Aku doa banyak2 sgt kat sana agar kawasan raudah untuk wanita diberikan lagi 2 saf sebab terlalu berhimpit2 berebut nak solat. Orang lelaki lega aje dah lah lelaki boleh massuk bila2 masa.

Beberapa hari di Madinah Alhamdulillah hasrat aku untuk bersolat di Raudah juga dimakbulkan ALLAH. Raudah adalah satu-satunya taman syurga di dunia yang ALLAH janjikan akan memakbulkan segala doa kita jika dipohon disini. Raudah bagi kaum wanita hanya dibuka pada waktu2 tertentu. Hari pertama tu kami cuba beratur beramai besama jemaah2 dari Indonesia. Tapi nak tunggu giliran untuk masuk saja dah memakan masa. Akhirnya kumpulan kami kecewa. Kami menanti akhirnya peluang tiba. Mula2 masuk dikawasan raudah aku sendiri mencari-cari mananya Raudah yang mana satu. Manusia memang bersesak-sesak hanya kekuatan fizikal memberi sedikit kelebihan pada aku. Orang kata tiang raudah lain karpet nya kaler lain tapi dalam keadaan manusia yang bersesak2 dan bertolak2 tu memang tidak ada masa untuk kita memerhati kapet mahu pun warna tiang. Lagi2 wanita2 arab disekeliling memang tidak menghiraukan kita. Kalau diorang nak tolak diorang main tolak aje. Kami bertujuh bagi kepada dua kumpulan. Aku bagi geng aku yang berempat solat dahulu sementara kami memegang beg dan barang2 lain. Mulanya masing2 bersolat dibawah satu kawasan terowong sangka kami raudah disitu tetapi setelah ditunjukkan oleh pengawal arab wanita (mereka sangat baik kepada orang-orang Asia sebab dia tahu orang kita dan orang Indon gheti menjaga adab dan tidak bertolak2) kami ditunjukkan pada dua saf yang dihadapannya ada dinding. Yang memisahkan dengan Saf Raudah bahagian lelaki, Mimbar Rasulullah dan juga makan Rasulullah di sebelahnya.

Oleh kerana orang terlalu ramai jadi kawan2 aku yang lain takut untuk bersesak2. Memang bertolak2 takut terjatuh dan terpijak sahaja. Maka mereka bersolat di saf yang belakang sedikit. Setelah selesai kami bertukar baton mereka menjaga beg dan barang dan aku nekad aku mesti bawa ustazah dan najihah solat betul2 di saf raudah sebab aku nak sangat solat di raudah. Maka disini kekuatan fizikal memainkan peranan. Setelah bersusup-susup akhirnya kami dapat masuk juga ke saf 2 di raudah. Itu lebih dari memadai. Aku memberi laluan kepada ustzah dan najihah untuk bersolat sementara aku memblok laluan dari arah belakang supaya minah2 arab ni tak langgar masa kita rukuk. Memang bersesak arab ni bukan kira kita tengah sujud kepala kita pun dia langkahnya. Dan akhirnya aku juga dapat berteleku bersolat taubat bersolat hajat di raudah sambil memberi salam kepada rasulullah serta dua sahabat Saidina Abu Bakar dan juga Saidina Uthman. Perasaan waktu tu tak dapat digambarkan memang sedih giler2 mintak ampun pada ALLAH minta syafaat pada rasulullah. Aku memang tak nak bangun. Dah dapat ruang untuk solat di raudah seboleh mungkin kami maintain berteleku lama disitu sambil berdoa. Sedar tak sedar ½ jam jugak kami berjaya kekal di raudah. Alhamdulillah. Itulah kenanganku yang pertama kali bersolat di raudah.

Kali kedua aku ke Raudah kali ni aku bawa Kak sal pula. Kak Sal kata “akak tak faham lah zira yang mana satu raudah ni kat mana nak solat ni. Semalam akak main solat aje. Makcik tunjuk lampu akak tengok sama aje.” Memang pun kalau kita tak tahu memang kita tak akan cam yang mana satu kawasan Raudah. Maka sampai di raudah aku pun tunjuk pada kak Sal. Raudah tu tiangnya mcm kelopak bunga kobis tu. Ada dua baris aje tiang tu dan ada dua saf aje Raudah untuk kawasan perempuan. Senang tengok kelopaknya berwarna emas. Kak Sal pun faham. Seperti hari sebelumnya aku bersusup kami tak lepas tangan. Keadaan hari ini lebih teruk dari semalam manusia makin bertolak2 dan berhimpit2. Kali ini ALLAH bagi peluang yang best aku dapat saf depan. Sebab semalam aku dah dapat solat maka aku bagi chance pada kak sal untuk solat. “cepat2 solat ni depan ni saya blok kan belakang” kata aku pada kak sal. Dua tiga kali kak sal angkat takbir tapi tak berjaya sebab asyik kena langgar dengan minah arab. Aku kata solat aje kak dalam keadaan darurat mcm ni kita jgn fikir nak solat dalam keadaan selesa dan lapang lagi kita dah dapat saf paling depan ni. Bukan senang ni kak. Tapi kak sal sia2kan peluang yang aku beri. Maka aku tak tunggu aku terus angkat takbir dan bersolat. Lama aku berteleku seperti semalam memohon ampun kepada ALLAH dosa2 ku dosa kaum keluarga anak2 serta rakan2. Paling best solat di raudah tak payah paksa airmata akan keluar menderu2 bila mengenangkan dosa kita yang banyak lagi2 bila mengenangkan saat2 kematian kita nanti. Macam-macam yang aku minta selagi aku boleh minta pada ALLAH. Sangat bahagia rasanya dapat bersolat di raudah dan perasaan itu segar lagi sampai hari ni…sebab aku rasa aku rindu Rasullullah Aku rasa dekat sangat dengan Rasulullah semasa solat di raudah.

Balik tu Kak Sal rasa menyesal sebab walaupun dah ada peluang depan mata tapi dia tak dapat gunakan peluang itu sepenuhnya. “Rugi akak sia2kan peluang saf depan tu zira” . Aku kata tak apa kita tak tahu tapi lain kali kalau kita tak tahu jangan segan Tanya ustazah atau Tanya orang yang tahu. Memang kak sal berkali2 rasa menyesal dan dia kata dia nekad nanti dia akan pergi lagi di raudah sampai dia dapat solat. Dia kata masa mula2 tu dia tak faham kenapalah manusia ni beria2 solat kat raudah menangis ada yang meraung2 pun ada. Rupanya kak sal tak tahu disebalik dinding yang memisahkan kami ada makam Rasulullah disebelahnya. Kak Sal tak tahu yang Raudah itu syurga dunia yang semua doa dimakbulkan ALLAH. Selama ni dengar2 orang cerita sahaja. Aku pun sama mula2 masuk Raudah aku tak tahu yang mana satu Raudahnya ni..tapi aku tahu ada Rasulullah diseberang sana....aku tahu ada dua sahabat disana aku tahu ini syurga dunia yang aku mesti grab seboleh mungkin. Alhamdulillah kini aku dah tahu kawan2 yang pergi sekali juga dah faham..insyaALLAH aku akan datang lagi dan aku rasa hari2 ingin solat di Raudah.



Mak Su said...

[tak tahu nak komen apa]

Anonymous said...

selalunya ada org tersalah bila solat di kawasan raudah ni dia tak ngadap kiblat tapi gi ngadap makam Rasulullah. bila baca ni terasa teringin sgt pulak nak pergi dgn anak2. sbb masa pergi dulu dgn suami (baru kahwin tak de anak2 lagi). thanks.


zino said...

terbayang keseronokan ketika berada di sana..

PerantauSepi1306 said...

You are so very fortunate to have the opportunity in visting Makkah at this age! Alhamdulillah Zirap... Semoga segala mendapat yang terbaik selalu dari Allah sentiasa... :D

Anonymous said...

An Invitation to Paradise

I performed the istikhaarah salaah on the evening of Thursday, 7th September 1995 and pleaded for guidance from Allah, The One Who Is Above weaknesses. By the Grace of Allah, The One Who Is Most Kind to His slaves, I had the most marvellous dream. In my sleep that evening, I saw myself standing in the venerated presence of, and about two metres away from our Beloved Prophet Muhammad in the Rauda al-Jannah. The Holy Messenger of Allah was immaculately dressed in pristine white apparel and white turban. I felt entirely insignificant. I was in the company of the fountainhead of virtue. I, also, was dressed in white robes and a white turban, and stood with my back towards the qiblah. Tears of happiness streamed down my cheeks. The Holy Prophet , who was sent by Allah, The Creator and Cherisher of all things, as a Warner and a Mercy to the worlds, stood and looked at me. My spirit rested. I said in Afrikaans: “Yaa Rasulullaah, ek het vir U kom wys my familie – Suleiman, Dawood, Rifdah, en Makkia.” In English, this reads: “O Messenger of Allah, I have come to show to your [esteemed] self my family – Suleiman, Dawood, Rifdah and Makkia.”

I woke with a song in my heart. Allah had honoured me with the society of the best of mankind. The dream was etched in my memory with an astonishing clarity. I shall never forget it. It was, to me, a precognition of the predestination of Allah, The One Whose Will Reigns Supreme, and an invitation from al-Madinah al-Munawwarah.

By my words “Yaa Rasulullaah” (“O Messenger of Allah”), I knew that I had definitely dreamt of the Modest Messenger of Allah . I had addressed our Good Prophet with the utmost respect. That I spoke in “kombuis” Afrikaans was enlightening. I had much to think about.
The reason for my not mentioning my wife’s name (as part of my family) in the list of introductions to our Prophet Muhammad became apparent to me – she had introduced herself on our first pilgrimage in 1991! The same could be said for myself – I also had not introduced myself in the dream, as I, likewise, had first travelled to Madinah then.
The dream held another eye-opener – I had referred to Suleiman, Dawood, Rifdah and Makkia as ‘my family’ and not as ‘my children’ (as we do in the west). In this lay a poignant lesson – although Makkia forms part of our family, she is adopted (and not ours biologically) and therefore not of ‘our children’! For inclusiveness and especially in du’aa, I later familiarised myself with referring to them as ‘my family’, rather than ‘my children’. I would also refer to them as ‘the children’ in du’aa.
I realised also that my not speaking of them as ‘children’ could mean that all, or some of them, would be adults by the time that we got to the City of Light.

Always thereafter, I wondered why our Cherished Prophet did not speak to me in the dream.

I related my experience to anyone who would listen.

Islam teaches that a person who dreams of the Holy Prophet Muhammad has dreamt the truth and has in fact seen the Holy Prophet , and not (mistakenly) anyone else in his or her dream. Based on this reassurance, I believed with certainty that, as long as we held firmly onto the Shari’ah, my family and I would receive divine assistance to get to the Hijaz.

A considerable number of the ’Ibaad-u-Ragmaan Qadiri Jamaa’ah had regularly, over the years, travelled to Saudi Arabia on Haj and ’Umrah. More than fifteen Jamaa’ah people had gone on Haj in 1997. In 1998, thirty-six persons had performed the holy journey. Twenty-one Jamaa’ah pilgrims had answered the call in 1999. The year 2000 had twenty-five Jamaa’ah hujjaaj. Just eight people had gone during 2001. This time, more than a hundred went.

It was a good year, 1422AH. The Haj of that year brought new meaning to the lives of many and helped to heighten the spirit of camaraderie among the members of the ’Ibaad-u-Ragmaan Qadiri Jamaa’ah. Travelling to and staying in the Holy Land has always meant a lot to me. This journey was especially fulfilling. Every day was better than the one before, every moment sweeter than the previous one. Better travelling companions I could not have hoped for.

At 6pm on 24th December 2001, we left Cape Town for Johannesburg. Two days later, we left Johannesburg on Flight KQ 0461 for Nairobi and Jeddah. On 27th December 2001, we arrived by bus in Makkah al-Mukarramah from Jeddah. We completed the rites of ’Umrah.

That Suleiman, Dawood and Rifdah were of age had added value to things. Makkia was just big enough for us not to have to carry her during the tawaaf of the Bait-ullaah and the saa’i. She had turned eight in Makkah.

Taxis coasted through the busy streets. Tow-away trucks hurriedly hauled away badly parked vehicles. Trucks busily pumped desalinated water into storage tanks. Lorries delivered water from the central water distribution centre on the outskirts of Mecca to homes, schools, hospitals and hotels in the area. There were more water delivery trucks than bread distribution vans on the roads.

With the approach of every obligatory prayer, traffic police hastily converted smaller roads into one-ways that led towards the Masjid al-Haram. On the completion of the prayers, many thoroughfares functioned as one-ways leading away from the Grand Mosque. Outside of the busy times, these streets served as dual carriageways.

A cup of tea cost one Saudi riyal on the street. Mutabbag, fried pastry crammed with sweet or savoury filling, were topped with lemon and pepper. This was sold by street vendors in Mecca as ‘fast food’. Kibda sandwiches overflowing with fried liver slices mixed with onion, tomato, and green peppers were irresistible. Traditionally made shawarma was especially tasty. Fruit and vegetables stands made a mint. Stalls selling fruit juice sprinkled with shaved ice had a roaring trade.

Cafés and restaurants flourished. Coffee in herbal, fruity or cardamom blends was served in small cups as appetizers. Tables overflowed with regional delights. Rice was the staple cooked meal ingredient. Slow-cooked, broad, brown beans called ful was particularly mouth-watering and eaten at breakfast. Spicy kebab tested one's taste buds. Sweet mint tea was served in small glasses. Pakistani eateries sold burgers, pies, samosas, breyani, roast chicken, and roti and curry. On offer also, were warm and cold beverages.

Recorded recitals from the Holy Qur’an by Dr. ’Abd Al-Rahman ibn ’Abd Al-’Aziz al-Sudais al-Najdi and Shaykh Saud ibn Ibrahim al-Shuraim al-Najdi sounded from audio shops. An expert in Islamic jurisprudence, Shaykh ’Abd Al-Rahman al-Sudais had been the leading Imam in the Masjid al-Haram since 1983. Shaykh Saud al-Shuraim, also, was Hafith al-Qur’an and an Imam in the Great Mosque. He served as a judge in the High Court of Mecca and was a member of the teaching staff at Umm al-Qura University in the Holy City.

If monetary outlay was the standard by which such things were measured, the Sacred Mosque in Makkah must have ranked as the principal wonder of the world. Billions of Saudi riyal had been spent on its expansion and upkeep. Escalators carried eager worshippers between floors. The air-conditioning and audio systems there were from the top drawer.

Brown tiles had replaced the hand-hewed granite stones of the Holy Ka'aba. Embroidered Quranic texts glistened above head-height on the kiswah.

Falcons had ousted the finches from the Ancient Mosque. Gliding majestically from the 89-metre-high minarets, these magnificent hunting birds soared elegantly on the warm air currents high above the Masjid al-Haram. They were showing off, I thought.

At around 16:00 on 2nd January 2002, we went by bus from Makkah to Madinah and reached there the next morning. We would spend twenty-one wonderful days there. Al-Masjid al-Rasul, complete with underground parking and first floor, had been enlarged to include two inner courtyards. There, twelve big state-of-the-art, umbrella-shaped Teflon sunshades sheltered visitors against the sun. Enlarged to hold more than a million worshippers, the Holy Mosque boasted large patterned doors, precast terrazzo cornices, eye-catching brass chandeliers and golden grilles. Plush woollen carpets enhanced the stylish décor.

Always, when we performed the congregational Salaah on arrival in the City of Light, Sheikh ’Ali ibn ’Abd Al-Rahman al-Hudhaifi had led the prayer in al-Masjid al-Nabwi. On every occasion, strangely, he had loudly recited from a part of the chapter of the Glorious Qur’an called Al-Furqan (“The Criterion”) wherein God describes the ’Ibaad-u-Ragmaan. This time was no different. The Word of God tore at my heart.

Underneath the green dome in the Masjid al-Nabwi was the Apartment of 'Aishah. The treasures of the heavens and the earth and all its elements could not rival the worth of this Sacred Chamber. Curtained behind ceiling-high partitioning, it held the holy graves of our Selfless Prophet Muhammad , Sayyidina Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and Sayyidina ’Umar al-Faruq (May Allah, The One Who Lives and dies not, Bless them with His Guardianship).

After performing the necessary Salawaat, I carefully walked into the Rauda al-Jannah. Calm came over me. Heavenly fragrances caught my attention. My mood moved from a state of grace to the very mountain-top of spirituality. Clad in white robes and a white turban, and standing with my back towards the qiblah, I stopped about five feet from the brass lattice that separates one from the holy graves. I was unable to stop the tears from running into my beard. Choking back my emotions, I managed to greet the Messenger of Allah . I softly added: “Yaa Rasulullaah, ek het vir U kom wys my familie – Suleiman, Dawood, Rifdah, en Makkia.” (“O Messenger of Allah, I have come to show to your [esteemed] self my family – Suleiman, Dawood, Rifdah and Makkia.”)

I conveyed greetings to our Warm-hearted Prophet Muhammad from the people who had asked me to do so. I also greeted the Holy Prophet’s illustrious companions, Sayyidina Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and Sayyidina ’Umar al-Faruq (May Allah, The One Who Is Best Informed of all things, Comfort them with His Unending Satisfaction).

Alhamdu-lillaah. My dream of our Free-handed Prophet Muhammad had come true after more than six years. Allah, The One Who Feeds us against hunger and Makes us secure against fear, Had Guided us through the flawless personality of our Prophet . I was glad that I could show to our Wise Prophet that there had been some moral advancement in our lives since we had last been to al-Madinah al-Munawwarah. Our Blameless Prophet Muhammad is the guiding light of those who do good deeds. There is no man greater than him. He is the spirit of truth and the master of those who warn against evil. The most honoured person in the Sight of Allah , our Generous Prophet remains the model that guides others to the straight path. Our Chivalrous Prophet Muhammad is the Sayed of the people of paradise.

I, in keeping my word, had faithfully embraced my destiny.

May Allah Bestow Peace and Salutations on our master Muhammad, on all the prophets and messengers, on the angels, on the righteous, on the martyrs and upon His pious slaves.