Friday, July 25, 2008

Bz lagi

Mek still busy...the gathering went well alhamdulillah...semua orang was yummylicious consist of nasik lemak usj , cheese cup cake, apple (sepatutnya oren), curry puff, SC carrot cake, dadih licin infact tak cukup..well you know attitude manusia ni tak gheti nak ambik sebijik satu...kami budget betul dah salah mereka yang tidak beretika.

The whole day I'll stuck in menara..abis gathering kemas2 barang sumer than pastu CIO and GM jumpa our team. We discussed on the sensetive isu regarding tender and what not. Current project yang tengah tender out sekarang considered as one of the big project in this ada lah kes2 biasa...well masa E**S dulu pun case yang sama jugak berlaku. So we were advice to jauh2kan diri and not to have a coffee chat with vendor kecuali untuk keperluan kerja sahaja. pehhh mek pening selagi tender tak close selagi tu lah they keep bugging my handphone. Selalunya mek wat tak dengo aje heehh heeh malas nak layan banyak kerenah.

Ok ada writer's club sat lagi...for mommies yang busy sokmo sampai tak dan nak masak I guess this link will help you a lot.
till then

1 comment:

PerantauSepi1306 said...

yep.... vendor ni aci buleh kan.. masa tender tu mcm2 nak kasik kan.. ;p